Darkest dungeon plague doctor mod
Darkest dungeon plague doctor mod

darkest dungeon plague doctor mod

Despite engaging in malevolent acts, Pocketcat displays likable behaviour, expressing sentiments and emotions openly. While the extent of Pocketcat's free will remains unclear, his actions might be driven by a compulsion tied to his specific purpose. Whether the fairytale inspired Rher's creation of Pocketcat or if the creature itself became the source of the tale remains uncertain. This narrative aligns with his mission of hindering the ascension of children to Rher's level. Pocketcat also holds a prominent role in ancient fairytales used as cautionary tales to dissuade children from wandering alone. Pocketcat and Lady of Moon are believed to be figments of Rher's imagination, as he dreams them into existence. While specific details about his origin remain elusive, it is known that Rher, a jealous god who opposes humanity's ascension, created Pocketcat with the intention of preventing children with divine parentage from reaching the level of Rher. Unlike others, Pocketcat is an actual creature spawned by Rher, the Moon God, much like the Lady of Moon. Pocketcat, though apparently a minor influence when compared to the likes of Gro-goroth's mages, Sylvian's marriages and sex cults, and Alll-mer's vast following, possesses a unique quality distinguishing him from mere adherents. Unfortunately even we don’t understand his mysterious ways… " His motivations lie in the path laid out by the older god.

darkest dungeon plague doctor mod

"A servant of the trickster god – the Moon. 2.3.3 When found in Ancient city - Center square and with the girl in the party.

Darkest dungeon plague doctor mod